We all have a part to play in the Kingdom of God. We are born with a purpose for our lives, skills and talents, and certain passions. This week Guest Ps. Alex Tan, shares with us the importance of evangelism; and how anything we have in our lives; any skills, talents, or passions, God can use to change someone's life for eternity!
We are called to reach the lost. In John 3:17 it is written: "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him." As Christians; we believe that we have the capacity to love, support, help, and encourage the world around us through the Holy Spirit. This week Gold Coast Associate Ps. Isaac Lenton shares on what a life lived 'for' the lost looks like!
If you hear the phrase "Being in ministry", you will likely have some common things come to mind. A church, a preacher, a service ministry. And whilst all these things are true, "being in ministry" is a call that is not only reserved for those that work in the church; but for those that are a part of the body of the Church. This week Lead Ps. Miles Paludan talks through how we are all called into ministry, through our workplaces, our social circles, and our studies!
The great commission is the calling of every Christ follower, to go into the world, be salt and light; and to make disciples of all nations. No small feat, right? There are times that we can sometimes feel it's unachievable or that we don't possess the gifts or skills to do this effectively. But this week Ps. Brad Whittington brings a word on how all of us have the ability to disciple those around us, and to bring the hope of Jesus to our local communities.